Back on the cityfront / Phyllis Kleinman Swiftsure / by Karl Robrock

Although lightly attended by the Moore fleet the event provided some exceptional sailing.

Fridays’' Aldo Alessio long distance race had the full fleet on one line together for the single long race for the day. The race was a bit of a grind for the smaller boats with over 22 miles up and down the bay. The ebb tide provided some help on the beats. The highlight of the day was a windy reach across the bay with some ship traffic thrown in for extra excitement.

Saturday and Sunday brought 3 double windward leeward races per day along the cityfront. Plenty of short tacking up the shore in the morning flood made for some exciting racing. Fleets ended up mixing a bit which added another dimension to the 7 Moores crossing tacks. We mixed it up with SC27s, Knarrs, Folk boats, J88s, J105s and ORR big boats!! The RC managed to get 3 races in for all fleets and we were able to get back to the dock by 4pm to enjoy free food and beer at the YC. It was a well run event and hope the fleet considers it for the schedule next year if they will have us.

Bill Erkelens
Flying Circus #11

awesome drone footage all weekend

awesome drone footage all weekend

the usual short tacking battles

the usual short tacking battles